
监管的建议, 设计咨询公司, 可访问性, 可持续性, 消防工程, testing + assessment

We provide premium professional services to all sectors of the building industry. Our highly skilled team of consultants have an enviable reputation built on their respected track record and comprehensive understanding of client needs. We specialize in building code regulation, 访问, 能源, and 火 安全ty engineering to deliver compliant, 安全, and cost-effective buildings.


With extensive experience of building regulations and codes gained in private enterprise, local and state government, we are uniquely positioned to provide Building Regulations Consultancy to all building and facility stakeholders, 包括业主, 架构师, 开发人员, 建筑商, Strata Plans and Public Sector Authorities.


Our team of unrestricted Grade A1 accredited Building Regulations Consultants are accredited by the NSW Building Professionals Board (BPB) as being competent in all aspects of relevant 可访问性 legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act, the Disability (访问 to Premises – Buildings) Standards, 2010 and the building Code of 澳大利亚.

Our 火 engineers have a wealth of experience across a vast range of project types and sizes. Utilising key strengths in 火 science and technology coupled with our comprehensive understanding of the regulatory framework, enables us to offer 火 安全ty engineering and testing services that are at the cutting edge of technology and innovation to the benefit of our clients.


Our 能源 team provide specialised consultancy services and reporting in the field of building 能源 efficiency and Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD.) Our goal is to find solutions to balance development costs while also providing a well-designed green building that complies with all relevant building 能源 efficiency regulations.

We began in New South Wales

After acquiring BCA Logic in 2021 and a full rebrand to 彩宝网 in 2022, we have continued expanding our presence in 澳大利亚, which has grown steadily since BCA Logic's founding in 1997. With the additions of Morris Goding 访问 Consulting, a specialist in Universal Design 可访问性 and most recently, Warrington火 澳大利亚* which includes a 火 Testing Laboratory, we have extended our services throughout the 太平洋 Region and worldwide.


Our team of highly qualified code, 火, 访问 and 能源 engineers and specialists are committed to meeting our clients’ needs. Please contact a member of our team to discuss your project and learn how you can draw on their expertise.


We serve clients across 澳大利亚 from our offices in Sydney, 珀斯, 布里斯班, 堪培拉, 和墨尔本, including our new 火 Testing Lab in Melbourne. Please contact the office nearest you to learn how we can assist with your project.

Learn more about our acquired firms

Morris Goding 访问 Consulting and Warrington火 澳大利亚 will fully rebrand to 彩宝网 in 2024.

Morris Goding 访问 Consulting, a 彩宝网 Company

Warrington火 澳大利亚, a 彩宝网 Company

*The name "Warrington火" and its associated IP and branding is used by Warrington火 澳大利亚 Pty Ltd in 澳大利亚 under licence from Warrington火 Testing and Certification Limited (based in the UK) for a transitional period following the acquisition of Warrington火 澳大利亚 Pty Limited. The Warrington火 Testing and Certification Limited continues to own the rights to "Warrington火" and continues to operate the global "Warrington火 business" outside of 澳大利亚.